Tier Two Health, Safety & Wellbeing Executives
As Tier 2 Leader with the responsibility for the Health, Safety and Wellbeing (HSW) function within your organisation, in addition to being officers under the Health and Safety at Work Act (2015), you are required to support, lead and direct HSW functions, often without being technical specialists and without having supportive training or professional development available.
This page of resources and the Tier 2 Leader's programme are designed to assist you to uphold the highest standards of health, safety and wellbeing across the Public Sector.
Government Health and Safety Lead (GHSL) has developed a specialised programme designed to:
- Help you to stay up to date with current HSW trends and legislative requirements.
- Enhance your ability to support, lead and direct HSW teams, enabling health and safety management systems and good practice within your agency.
- Facilitate effective H&SW governance and officer due diligence.
Hear from our champions
Janine Hearn, Deputy Chief Executive, Fire and Emergency New Zealand and Richard Griffiths, Deputy Chief Executive, Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment are championing the programme. Hear why they think it is important and will be of value for all of you - (or check out the video here(external link))
Programme Overview