Phone details

If you have a landline telephone number, your name, address and phone number will automatically appear in your local telephone directory, as well as the online White Pages. Directory Assistance (dial 018) may also give out this information.

To protect telephone information you have two options:

  1. Confidential (a restricted number) – This means your name, address and telephone number will not be included in the White Pages and will not be given out by Directory Assistance.
  2. Non-published (an unlisted number) – This is an alternative to a restricted number. It means your name, address and telephone number will not be included in the White Pages, or any directory listing on the internet. However, the telephone number will still be given to anyone who asks for it from Directory Assistance. The address will not be given out.

You should ideally only use a work phone for making work related calls. If you are using your own phone, you may wish to get it set up so your  number is withheld from services such as Caller Display. Most mobile phones allow you to stop your number being displayed; you should check your mobile’s user manual or contact your service provider to find out more about how to do this.

If you do receive threatening or harassing phone calls, you should report these immediately to your phone company and the Police. You should also advise your organisation’s Chief Security Officer so there is organisational awareness of what is going on.

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